Hey there! Welcome to my personal homepage. I am Sanyam, and I love to solve real life problems for mass benefit.

I am a Software Engineer. I started my journey in 2020 (yeah COVID-19, WFH) as a Software Engineering Intern in an On-Demand Logistics Solution Product (fancy name for 30 minute delivery, if you are wondering) and fell in love with the problem and the challenges it brings along ever since.

Sanyam Aggarwal on a Boat
Shipping !

Apart from coding, I particularly enjoy watching content about cars - drive reviews, repairs, trades, paint jobs, everything under the sun! No brownie points for guessing, I fell in love with our family’s first car when I was 4. I like to workout, swim, sing, travel to new places and spend time with my family.

My First Steps on the Tech Ladder

I discovered computers at my Uncle’s office when I was 6, and had access to a computer since then. I became your go to guy for PC, Phone recommendations. I had dreamy eyes - I wanted to take up all my passions professionally - techie, honest people serving government official, automobile desinger, playback singer, and a lawyer - to name a few I fancied more amongst others. Eventually I joined NIT Jalandhar in 2016 to learn more about what goes behind the tech.

Sanyam Aggarwal’s selfie in front of NITJ Main Building
2016 Fresher's Party

Are you climbing the right ladder ?

One year into the college and I found the course work realy boring and fell out of the love for Tech. So now I took the oppurtunity and the free time to prepare for UPSC instead of killing it.

Sanyam Aggarwal reading from a laptop
2019 Prep Mode !

Here, you can watch me conduct a short informative session on the Indian Military Aircrafts.

Sanyam Aggarwal standing in front of a whiteboard
Yeah I am passionate about what I do

I studied for UPSC between 2017 - 2019. I try to keep an eye on what goes in and around domestic and international politics and economics, when I can.

I have reserved the story how I got again into tech. Until next time.

Sanyam Aggarwal standing in front of a building
Bangalore Palace, Bengaluru 2023

I have been documenting my journey of tech and life, and still

Living to Learn, Learning to Live

This website is a collection of my musings, the insights I’ve gained and want to share.

Find me on LinkedIn and Medium.